Domestic Violence is not just violence leading to physical injuries. It is a pattern of abusive behavior used to gain control over another person that can include: threats, emotional, sexual or economic abuse, intimidation, deprivation, social isolation, or repeated battering and injury. Over time the violence usually becomes more frequent and more severe. It does not go away without intervention.
Children are devastated by domestic violence. They are hurt by seeing or hearing the violence and they are more likely to be the victims of violence if you are being abused. Although you do not have control over your partner's violence, you do have a choice about how to respond to him/her and how to best get yourself and your children to safety.
- Trust
- Hard work
- Commitment
- Asking for what you need
- Safety
- Encouragement
- Safety
- Listening & support
- Sharing responsibilities
- Compromise
- Closeness
- Recognizing & accepting differences
- Openness
- Empathy
- Respect
- Friendship
- Honesty
- Communication
- Ignoring

Does your boyfriend/girlfriend...
Look at you or act in ways that scare you?
Act jealous or possessive?
Put you down or criticize you?
Try to control where you go, what you wear or what you do?
Text or IM you excessively?
Blame you for the hurtful things they say or do?
Threaten to kill or hurt you or themselves if you leave them?
Try to stop you from seeing or talking to friends or family?
Try to force you to have sex before you are ready?
Do they hit, slap, push or kick you?
If you said yes to even one, you may be in an abusive relationship. Call us if you need to talk. We are here 24-hours a day, 365 days a year!
(229) 439-7065 or (800) 334-2836
- Have important numbers accessible to you and your children (i.e. 911, family members, etc).
- Ask a neighbor to beware of suspicious activity in your home.
- Create a code word with your children to alert them to call the police when needed without the abuser knowing.
- Plan an escape route in case of an emergency and practice the plan with your children.
- Think in advance of where you may be able to go with your children in a hurry.
- Leave extra money, car keys, clothing and copies of documents with someone you trust.
- Open a savings account.

If you would like to schedule training and education at your organization,
business, church, school, or social club or to learn more about
Liberty House of Albany, please call us today:

- Jealousy
- Possessiveness
- Obsession
- Threatening
- Cruelty
- Violence
- Blaming & belittling
- Inequality
- Control
- Dependency
- Giving up yourself or your friends
- Intimidation
- Withholding affection
- Fear
- Proving yourself
- Manipulation
- Expecting all your needs to be met by your partner